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Pranyama |
Today We are ready to practice our pranayama(vyutkrma prnayama)and prana meaning energy or breath. So life force energy that is that is circulating through your bed and we will be talking a little more about that in little later and Yama is to regulate so you will be regulating your breadth with some of with the pranayama, which means to equilize the inhale and equalize your exhale in any breath you usually breathing each breath will differ by one another, it will be change a little from one to the other unless you are used to doing breathing exercise which regulates the breath so this pranayama(kapalbhati pranayama) going to help you breath deeper it help you breathe longer and the advantage of that is when you breathe deeper the lungs can have better gaseous exchange between the circulating blood which means you can take in more oxygen and you can release more Toxins from your body which leads to clearer and an energized stronger thinking so lets get started a body with that some of the things but before we would like you to be little careful about where you're practising and What you're wearing. SO, practice in a room which is well ventilated clean with no dust or insects make sure and make that it is an even temperature, not too cold or too hot make sure you are wearing clothing that does not restrict your breathing the movement of your your abdomen and your chest and make sure at least four hours you before you started your pranayama which means that you still not digesting in your stomach because of That happening you are moving the Stomach around that's not going to be very comfortable for you when you start preaching pranayama sometimes if you are not used to it you led a little dizzy or you may feel a little disoriented a little spaced out if that happen I would like you to start practising and just take a big break you should not be feeling that but if it does happen stop practising pranayama or don't force in inhale and exhale as well as we get all enough info about the precaution for beginners.
So, you can start with bajrasana on your big toes touching the ground sitting back on your heels or if that doesn't feel good to you can cross your legs in shukhasana and if the knees get in little uncomforatable and uncomfortable then you're sitting for a long period here we will be suggest to use a cusion for five to eight min by sitting on a cushion or a rolled blanket which will relax your knees and take your hips a little lower than the kneens if this also does not work for you what we are really looking for as a straight your spine as you practice so you can sit on a chair with your spine straight and erect along with the upper part of your Chair and also Some support at lower back which to helps to sit straight or you can sit against a wall with your legs Straight consider on your bed but make sure you are in a place which doesn't distract you from to much noise nothing to take your mind from your practice but if that still does happen because
the mind can distracted but we will suggest you to practice gently and bring you awarness back to your practice.
Steps to practice pranayama
1. So sitting with straight spine and put
your head on you kneecaps and leading to gyaanmudra and inhale gently
2. Hold for a sec and exhale gently you have to do 3 repetitions.
4. When you done your 3 repetitions you feel very much calm and fresh but ypur mind should be in a meditative mode.
5. And your inhale is longer than your exhale when ever it changes or fluctuates from one bit to another what we going to try or do is to make them equal and try and keep that regular and you can also choose a ratio you would love to do ypu can do 3 counts some might do 3,4,5 like wise repetitions and all that.
6. And repeat it with 5 or 6 of breath with equal exhale and inhale.
7. You should do slow count in your mind like 1,2 and so on and once that done slowly exhale with control now try it with together take a nice deep breath and like wise you can perform this pranayama. And you can also hold your breath for 5 to 8 sec and then exhale slowly with the ease.
Tips for beginners.
You are able to observe carefully as to what was going on with your mind if you had your eyes open it doesn't matter. You still can keep your eyes open open while doing so. You still observe the connection between the breath and the mind but we suggest you to keep your eyes close as it is helps to place you in meditative mode.
So, hope you get information related to pranayama and understood every single point in this blog. If you like our post so you can share with your friends and family members and if you have any douts you can ask us in comment section box below. And we promise that we answer every question of yours
Thank you for love and support!!
Thank you for love and support!!
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